Free Program for Norcal Schools

We currently have programs in Richmond, Watsonville and Grass Valley California.

Boys thrive when they have a variety of positive male role models to learn from.

Even when boys have positive male role models, he is being influenced by boys who don't. 

Our mentorship circles provide a safe space for boys to share and express their feelings.

Often this is all that is needed for boys to have breakthroughs. 

What appears to school staff as discipline and behavior problems often vanish when a boy has consistent time and space to share his feelings with men and other boys. 

Every day boys are joining gangs, dropping out of school and turning to drugs and alcohol to help them cope with pain. We provide a much better alternative.

If you are a teacher or administrator of a school and you see that the boys in your school need help, please Contact Us right away! 

If you would like more information about how to add a Boys to Men program to your program, please Contact Us and we'll reach out to you with more information.