CORE values
INTEGRITY – is the foundation of the Boys to Men program. Mentees learn that the true meaning of a man is someone who is honest, reliable, and accountable. A real man is in touch with his truth. Mentees are shown that through their own personal integrity, they create the identity that is how they are viewed in today’s world. A mentee is shown the value in doing what he says he will do, and also shown the value in making sure when he is out of integrity that he takes the time to repair what has happened. By making amends when he is out of integrity, he will continue to be viewed as someone who can be trusted.
RESPONSIBILITY – Mentees are taught that they alone are responsible for their own actions and choices, right or wrong. The responsibility for who they are and the man they will become falls on their shoulders alone. Each mentee learns they choose how they are viewed in today’s world.
ACCOUNTABILITY– Mentees learn that they have self-accountability and must take ownership of how they think, do, and feel. A man can feel anger or joy, fear or confidence; how he acts in each situation is his own responsibility. Each mentee learns he alone is responsible for his own emotions.
SELF- AWARENESS– Mentees learn the importance of controlling their emotions and to be aware that this is their responsibility. This does not mean they will always succeed in controlling how they act in a situation; however, it does make them aware they must accept the consequences of their actions.
EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION– is one of the most important concepts of the program. Mentees learn about coping skills and what signs to look for that trigger their emotional responses. Techniques are taught to help control their anger in hopes of diminishing the negative consequences they experience. These consequences, among others, may include trouble with parents, teachers and school suspensions.
THE MAN THEY WANT TO BE – Mentees learn to think about their future and how to get there. Once a young man knows who he wants to be, Boys to Men can help him create a plan to get from where he is today to where he wants to be in the future. Boys to Men can then help him to hold himself accountable and become the man he wants to be.